PRB Fundraising

Take the Pledge!

A legacy project of the last International Polar Year (IPY) (2007-2008), which included a focus on polar education, was the publication of an innovative book: Polar Science and Global Climate: An International Resource for Education and Outreach (Pearson, 2010), known as the “Polar Resource Book” (PRB). This publication is available on the PEI website:

Its aim was to continue informing and inspiring educators and students, as well as emerging polar researchers and polar enthusiasts with a shared commitment to education and outreach, about the importance of the polar regions.  

This book focused on both polar science and an understanding of the urgency of global climate change, and how to bring these important topics into classrooms and broader public fora. Countless teachers, educators, and scientists have made full use of the Polar Resource Book.Polar science and polar research have progressed extensively since 2010, and some topics – not covered by the original book – have become essential parts of any approach to the Arctic regions, including Indigenous involvement and the rising importance of Indigenous Knowledge.

PEI believes that a widespread, intensive initiative of polar education, not only in schools but at community level, is fundamental for the understanding of climate change, opening up a more comprehensive discourse on prevention, mitigation, and adaptation. The students of today will grow up to be citizens in a not-so-distant future. Polar education should be a foundation of their education.

In order to achieve this goal, PEI is strongly advocating the need for an updated edition of the Polar Resource Book (PRB II), and is collaborating with APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists), SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) and IASC (International Arctic Science Committee) in order to bring this to fruition.

This project is already under way. Polar scientists and early career scientists have reviewed the content of the original book. PEI, together with APECS, has developed a lesson template for the new PRB, to be used for each topic, thanks to an IASC Cross Cutting Grant (2021-2). We are now at the fundraising stage. and PEI has already secured a grant of $20,000 from a British charity. The minimum goal is $100,000.

Take the Pledge!

Join us in reaching our goal!